By: Alvie Hafen
“Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spend working in the office or mowing you lawn.
Climb that goddamn mountain.” -Jack Kerouac
We are not just made to eat, work, sleep, and die. The world is an amazing huge place, with opportunities and experiences that will change and shape your life. Don’t be afraid to take a chance, to fail, or to do somethings crazy.
There is no rewind button on life. There is no pause. Time is ever moving forward, 1 second at a time our life ticks by. So stop saying I’ll start tomorrow, stop saying I’ll start at the new year. You are wasting seconds, you are wasting life. And the scary thing is life is so fragile we don’t know when it could end.
Don’t let the words you never said or the things you never did haunt you on your death bed. Enjoy your life. Do things which make you happy. Tell those family and your friends you love them. Call your mom. Book that vacation.
Group Class Workout
Warm Up: 2 Minutes Machine, 20 air squats, 15 pushups
75ft KB walk single arm overhead, with 10 presses (each arm)
Finish with: PVC Progression Clean and Jerk
Strength: Squat Clean and Jerk Practice 12 Minutes
Beginner: Power Clean + Front Squat
Lean: No Strength
4 Rounds
Every 4 minutes:
400 meter run
10 Toes to bar/15 Knee Raises
5 Power snatches (95/65)
Adv: Squat snatches (135/95)
Welded Lean
10 Rounds
1 Mile bike
20 Med ball slams 20/16
1 Minute plank
Mobility Of the Day: Couch Stretch (pg.331) 2-3 Minutes each side. DO it! Your body will thank you.
Improves: Squat Position, Hip Pain, Low back Pain