By: Kris Thompson
We are groomed to think that failure is bad and think that success and failure run linearly, like this:
Which for some aspects of life this may be true, but not when it comes to weightlifting. Instead, we need to think that the failure-success continuum runs like this:
And know that our failures can lead to our success, still with me? Let me explain to you why it’s important for us to fail and what we can learn from it in order to be successful.
* Find out your limits so that you can move past them.
* Learn from your limits, if we go for a max lift and fail we need to go back and ask ourselves, why did we fail? Was it due to something physical, technical or mental? This is how we learn from our failures, knowing what we need to do so that the next time we go for a max lift the same thing doesn’t happen.
* You’re now able to push closer to your limit, with this in mind you can now train closer to your limit knowing exactly what it’s like to fail instead of just thinking that you’re close to failure. Knowing what failure feels like becomes a way to judge your efforts.
With this being said, you want to make sure you know how to fail safely so that you can be confident that when you reach your limit that you know how to bail correctly and reduce the chances of injury.
Now go out there and fail so that you can succeed!
Group Class Workout
Warm Up: 3 Rds: 10 Pushups, 15 Air Squats, 15 Hollow rocks
Finish with: 20 scorpions, 10 stretch lunges, 15 PVC PT, GM
Strength: Back Squat 6×2 @85%
Or 6×5 (Choose Weight)
Every 1:20
For Time:
800 meter run
80 Russian KB swings (53/35)
400 meter run
40 Burpees
200 meter run
20 KB snatches (53/35)
Welded Lean
For Time:
5K row
3 minute rest
For Cals:
5 minute max cal. Ski
*If no skiers use bike.
Mobility Of the Day: Glute Smash (pg. 300)
Improves: Low Back and Hip Pain, Knee Out Position
Skills: Torso stability