Balls to the Wall Workout (11/16)

Group Class Workout

Warm Up:  

3 minutes on a machine (75-80% effort)

2 rounds: 12 kettle bell/dumbbell thrusters, 20 sit ups, 3 inchworms

Finish with: 1 minute goblet squat hold, 20 scorpions, 15 PVC pass throughs, 15 PVC good mornings


Strength: Front Squats (every 1:45)

Welded: 5×3, rising (heavy triples @ 70%+)

Welded Lean: 5×6, increase in weight





wallballs (20#/14#, 10’/9′)

deadlifts (165#/115#)

push ups

Adv:  deadlifts (205#/135#), handstand push ups

*9 minute time cap


Welded Lean:

4 Rounds

21 calorie row

15 lunges (each leg)

9 deadlifts (185#/125#)


Mobility Of the Day:  Couch Stretch (pg.331) 2-3 Minutes each side.

Improves: Squat position, hip and lower back pain