Workout for September 19th

Group Class Workout


Warm Up: 2 Min machine go Hard get warm!

2rds: 12 pushups, 12 KB single arm high pulls, 4 inchworms

Finish with: 30 banded GMs, 15 PT


Strength: Back Squat

5×4 @75% (Every 2 Minutes)






For Time:

5-10-15 Power Cleans

10-15-20 Push ups

Immediately into:

20-15-10 Pullups

15-10-5 S2OH


15-10-5 Reps

135/115/95 Male

95/85/65 Female


Welded Lean

17 Min AMRAP

20 Cal Row

30 Air Squats

40 V-Ups



Mobility Of The Day: Lower back stiff, pain in your shoulder?

Talk to your coach! We are here to help! Ask us!