9/11 Memorial WOD (9/11/18)

Today’s workout symbolizes the events that unfolded on September 11, 2001, in its design.  The date and year are represented by the row (i.e. 2001 meters) and the 9 movements, each including 11 repetitions. 125# thrusters represent the deaths that occurred at the Pentagon; the 175# power clean stands for AA Flight 175 that collided with the South Tower; Flight 77 and Flight 93 were combined and are represented in the 170# deadlift and the 110# push jerk signifies the number floors in each of the Twin Towers.


Warm Up:
3 lap run

3 Rounds
10 leg swings (each leg)
10 PVC pass throughs
10 PVC overhead squats
1 minute plank hold

For Time:
2001 meter run
11 box jumps (30”/24”)
11 thrusters (125#/85#)
11 burpee chest to bar pull ups
11 power cleans (175#/115#)
11 handstand push ups
11 kettlebell swings (70#/53#)
11 toes to bar
11 deadlifts (170#/115#)
11 push jerks (110#/75#)
2001 meter row