Give Kill Cliff a Try

As you may have seen we have added Kill Cliff into our refrigerators for you to purchase. Kill Cliff is a recovery drink made up with vitamins, electrolytes and plant extracts. The idea of Kill Cliff came from a former Navy SEAL who wanted to get away from the sugary sports and energy drinks. The purpose of Kill Cliff is to add a nutritious component to aid with recovery. The best time to drink a Kill Cliff recovery drink is right before or after your workout. Be sure to try all of the five flavors and let us know which ones are your favorites!


Group Class Workout


Warm Up: 30/25 Cal Machine

3rds: 5 Hang Power Snatches, 5 OHS/FS Barbell

Finish with: 20 scorpions, 20 leg swings, 15 PVC PT GM


Strength: 12 Minutes

Work on Power Snatches+Squat Snatches

Lean: No Strength






9 Power Snatch 115/85

9 Muscle Up / Chest to bar

15 Thruster 115/85

15 Chest to Bar / Pull-ups

21 Clean and Jerk 115/85

21 Toes to bar / Knee Raises

Adv: 135/95


Welded Lean

For Time:

800m Run

100 V-Ups

800m Row

100 Superman back extension

800m Run

100 Jump Switch Lunges


Mobility Of the Day:  Couch Stretch (pg.331) 2-3 Minutes each side. DO it! Your body will thank you.

Improves: Squat Position, Hip Pain, Low back Pain



– GHD sit ups
– Hip ext.
– more abs