Workout For May 31st



Warm Up:

25/20 Cals GO Hard, Get Warm.

2Rds: 12 Goblet Squats (Heavy), 6 Burpees, 12 Lunges

Finish with: 1 Min Lateral Hip Distraction, 15 PVC PT, GM



Back Squat 10 Singles @85% Every 1:15

OR 10×3 Choose Weight

Lean: No Strength




20 Min EMOM

  1. 8 Burpees to a Plate
  2. 10 DB Snatches 45/35
  3. 12 OH PlateLunges 45/25
  4. 14 V-ups

Adv: 10 Burpees

60/45 DB Snatches

12 Toes To Bar
Welded Lean

30 Min AMRAP

25/20 Cal Machine

50 DU/100 Single

25 Toes to bar/Knee raises

50 Ab Mat Sit ups

25 Deadlifts 115/85


Mobility of the day: Banded Hip Capsule

Improves: Bottom of squat, deadlift, hip pain