By: Savina Brown
We have all heard, “Nothing is perfect,” often using it as a mantra for others or ourselves. But do we really buy into it? Do we truly and wholly believe nothing is perfect?
We have set ideals of who we “should” be as parents, children, partners, students, co-workers, yoga practictioners, crossfitters… We just want to get it “right,” be the “perfect” version of our self in that role, not show our weaknesses to our self or others because what would that say about us?
We place high expectations on ourselves and beat ourselves up when we fall short. So, maybe you didn’t get the time of the day, maybe you forgot about your dog at daycare yesterday, maybe you aren’t a straight-A student, and maybe you aren’t the mom that bakes for your child’s class or the dad that coaches little league. None of these make you less of a person. They make you human.
We all have faults, make mistakes, stumble, fall, get back up again, but none of these actions define who we are as person. Let down your shield of ideals, throw out your expectations, stop shouldering all over yourself, say fuck being perfect until it sticks, and do the best with what you got.
After all nothing is perfect. So give your self the permission to be imperfect, to be messy, and to be YOU, unapologetically authentic and true.
Warm Up:
3 lap run
2 Rounds: 12 jump squats, 12 OH Plate lunges
1 min Hip capsule each side, 20 leg swings each
3×10 Back Squat (Start @60%)
Every 3 Minutes
15 Min EMOM
1. 8 Hang Power Cleans 115/75
2. 8 Toes To Bar
3. 13/10 Cal Bike
Adv: 10 Hang PC
10 Toes to Bar
Open Workout Tomorrow!
Welded Lean
10 Rounds
20/15 Cal Bike
15 Wall Balls 20/14
7 Deadlifts 135/95
Mobility Of the Day: Posterior Chain Floss (pg. 351)
Improves: Hamstring Range, Hip, Back and Knee Pain
Strengthen & Lengthen
6 to 7am
Toes to bar practice
Grip work