Here is the quick rundown on Roger who is a beloved member of our DE Family
- Roger was diagnosed in late January with a very rare form of “eye cancer,” called amelanotic ocular melanoma.
- Since being diagnosed, he has had to visit many specialists, undergo surgery, and will be starting radiation treatment soon.
- His treatment plan will cost in the range of $25,000 out of pocket and require him to be away from home and work for 2 months.
Due to the rarity of this disease Roger has had to miss work and is piling up bills from his treatments that his insurance would not cover. Roger’s children have set up a crowd funding account that you can access by clicking HERE.
Our slogan at Double Edge is “Fitness Founded on Community” which means that we use the bond of health and fitness to bring people together to create a community that is strong, supportive and caring. Whether you know Roger or not lets pull together to show him that his Double Edge family is here for him in a time of need.
If you have any questions or would like to contact Roger yourself to send your thoughts and prayers to him you can contact [email protected].
Warm Up:
3 lap run
3 Rds: 12 Jump squats, 12 KBS Russian, 12 KB High Pulls
Finish with 15 PVC PT, GM , 10 stretch lunges
Ring Dips/MUs, GHDs, OverHead Squats, DUs
16 Minutes
13 Min AMRAP
Buy In: 50 Wall Balls 20/14
10 Power Snatches 75/55
30 DU
Welded Lean
15 Min AMRAP
12 Cal Ski
16 Lunges 30/20
20 Med Ball Slams 20/16
Mobility Of The Day: Shin Smash (pg. 371)
Improves: Shin Splints, Knee and Ankle Pain
Strengthen & Lengthen
6 to 7am
4:30 to 5:30pm
Rest & Restore
5:30 to 6:30pm