5 Reasons Why Scaling a Workout Can Make You Better!

By: Alvie Hafen
You walk into the gym and go straight to the board to look at the workout. You see some heavier weights in the workout. The person next to you is loading up the RX weight on their bar. Should you? Or should you scale the weight back?
These are questions which go through the minds of clients all the time. Here are my thoughts as a Coach and an Athlete who has been doing Welded for almost 7 years.
1. Faster is better. Scale the weight down.
The higher the intensity can remain during a workout the more benefit you are going to receive. This is the secret and reason why Welded gets results. You push to the dark place, you go push even when the body is telling you to slow down. I would rather see someone go 4 minutes faster on their workout then 20 or 30 lbs heavier.
2. Full Range of Motion
You are only cheating yourself and limiting your gains by doing half reps. Do the full range of motion. Full squats and full lockouts. Doesn’t matter if the person next to is doing half reps. It is You vs You. If you can’t reach full range of motion, ask the coach for some mobility tips and stretches to get you there.
3. Check you Ego.
Sure lots of weight looks cool on the bar. Sure you want to lift more than the chicks. Some of these strong women have been in my class for 2 years! They know the form and technique.  But remember, its YOU vs YOU. Not you vs him, not you vs the coach. Check you ego at the door. The worst thing you can do is put too much weight on the bar and then the form not be there on the lift. This is a recipe to possibly tweak or injury yourself. Take time with the barbell movements. It takes time and patience to learn the proper from and technique. Don’t throw a ton of weight on the bar and hope for the best. If you had 5-10lbs every week on your lifts, that is 20-40lbs in a month!! Those small gains over time add up to huge gains. No can’t make gains when your shoulder or back is hurt. If you are unsure ask your coach and then listen to what we tell you.
4. Strength Portion of Class
This is the time to practice those heavier weights. In a controlled environment when the coach can watch and help you with your technique. This part is not for time. You can slow it down and Brace properly. This is the time to use the heavier weights. There are less reps here and you can be properly assed by your coach. When the WOD comes, this is the time to push the pace with the lighter weights or lighter kettle bell.
5. Ask your Coach
Talk to us! Use us! We can help you find a weight that works for you. Maybe your shoulder is achy. We can change pull-ups to a different movement for you. We can show you some shoulder smashes or stretches to help you recover faster. We can help you with mobility. Sometimes that is all you need to help you improve on your cleans, snatches, or jerks. If the body cant move into the right position for the lift; you aren’t going to be able to move as much weight or even do the lift properly.
Remember we all start at square one. I started with the empty barbell on overhead squats. I started Welded with banded pull-ups and a 135 clean. Just keep moving forward and being consistent. Gains will come! Listen to your coaches, check your ego, and do your mobility.
See you all in class. And remember “Half ass gets no ass.”



Warm Up:

PVC Pipe Game! (4-5 Minutes)

2 Rds: 10 JSLunges, 10 Goblet Squats, 30 Mountain Climbers

Finish with: 1 Min Banded Hamstring Distraction, 15 PT, GM



Back Rack Lunge 5×6 Total (Choose weight)

Every 90 seconds

Lean: No Strength



20 Min EMOM

  1. 10/8 Cal Ski
  2. 14/11 Cal Row
  3. 12/9 Cal Bike
  4. 30 Double Unders

Adv: 40 DU

Scaled: 40 Singles


Welded Lean
Buy In: 1:30 Plank

10 Rounds

9 DB Thrusters 30/20

12 Pushups

18 Box Jumps/Step Ups 24/20

Cash Out: 50 Ab Mat Situps

Scaled: 9 Pushups

Mobility Of the Day: Glute Smash & Floss (Pg. 330)

Improves: Low back and hip pain, knees out position



Strengthen & Lengthen
6 to 7am

Rest & Restore

7 to 8am



Biceps and Triceps