What do You Think of Double Edge?

Double Edge south has been officially open for over a month now and we can’t believe the support and love that we have received from our past members and our new members as we make it our new home!
We are continuing to work on spreading the word about our new location through different marketing avenues, but we know that even the best marketing campaigns can’t match an honest review from someone who knows us best!
So we want to know what you think!  You can leave a review on either our YELP or GOOGLE sites by clicking on the text or searching “Double Edge 6450” on Google or “Double Edge Fitness” on Yelp.  Each review not only helps to spread the word about Double Edge South, it also helps to show the overall benefits of Welded that you have came to know and love!
If you have any questions about leaving a review please visit the front desk or contact [email protected].  Thank you again for all of the support and we can’t wait to see where we go from here!

Strength: Push Press 6×4 Choose Weight

Every 1:20

Lean: No Strength
Warm Up:

1 Min Plank

2 Rds: 10 DB Push Press, 15 MedBall Slams, 3 inchworms

Finish with: 1 Min Banded OH Distraction, 15 PVC PT,GM


5 Thrusters 95/65

10 Hang Power Cleans 95/65

15 Box Jumps 24/20

Adv: 115/75

Or Fat Bar 95/65

Optional (Extra Gains):Tabata 20/10 Hollow Body Hold

Welded Lean
800m Run

50 Jump Switch Lunges

30 Plank to Push Ups

800m Row

50 Jumping Squats

30 V-ups

70/50 Cal Bike

50 Toe Touches

30 DB Snatches 40/30

Mobility of the day: Banded OH Distraction

Improves: Overhead Position and Shoulder Pain



Strengthen & Lengthen
6 to 7am
4:30 to 5:30

Rest & Restore
7 to 8am



Pistol practice

Glute accessory