GROUP CLASS WORKOUT Warm Up: 500 meter row or 24/20 calorie bike 3 Rounds 45 sec. plank 10 scap push ups 50′ quadruped crawl Finish with 100’ single arm kettlebell/dumbbell carry (each arm) MetCon: Retest Day: “16.1” 20 minute AMRAP 8 front rack lunges (95#/65#) 8 bar facing burpees 8 front rack lunges 8 chest to...Read More
By: Trent Soares Next time you take a shower make it cold. Yes its hard, extremely hard, but as Weldedters you guys have done much worse. Personally, living with a toddler who loves to put her hands into her mouth, we are constantly fighting germs in our household. Recently I have been getting sick out...Read More