With just 16 days left its time to kick it into high gear and get your row on! Todays challenge is 16 cals on the rower in 40/60 seconds. Good luck and make sure to mark your calendar for
Warm Up:
Trainer Choice
3 Rounds of: 20 DB Step ups (35/25)
30 Sec Hollow Rock hold
12 DB Shoulder press (35/25)
Partner WOD
12 Power Cleans 175/115
60/45 Cal Ski
60 Pullups
12 Power Cleans 175/115
60/45 Cal Bike
60 Wallballs 20/14
12 Power Cleans 175/115
Adv: D Ball Toss 100/80
Instead of Power Cleans
Welded Lean
Partner WOD
20 Min AMRAP
50 Box Jumps 24/20
50 Push Press 75/55
50 Front Rack Lunges 75/55
50 KB Swings 53/35
Adv: 95/65
Mobility Of the Day: Super friend Calf Smash
Improves: Attention Span to actually read the mobility ; )