Workout and Words For November 12th – The Waiting Game

With the Lurong Living Paleo challenge finished it is now purely a waiting game to see if we had what it took to overcome the deficit from 2nd to first.  Currently Double Edge is sitting in 2nd place behind Welded 716 who has over a 200 point lead.   We will not have definitive answer to who will be crowned the 2014 challenge champion until the end of the week.

Win or lose we couldn’t have been more proud on how our team came together at the end to make sure that every bonus, workout and recipe was recorded to give us the best chance we could have!  From here on out its up the paleo gods to decide whether we will pull out the upset and become the champions.  Only time will tell!




Warm Up:

3 Rounds

25 DU (50 singles), 12 V-ups, 15 air squats



5×3 Front Squat @75% (Every 1:20)




2 Rounds of:

4 Minute AMRAP

30 Double Unders

8 Toes to Bar

Rest 1 Minute

4 Minute AMRAP

5 Push Ups

7 KB Swings @70/44

Rest 1 Minute



2 Rounds of:

4 Minute AMRAP

60 Singles

8 K2E/V-Ups

Rest 1 Minute

4 Minute AMRAP

5 Push Ups

7 KB Swings

Rest 1 Minute



Pre – Single Leg Flexion w/ ER bias (pg. 303)

Post – Adductor Smash (pg. 340)





Warm Up:

3 Rounds

25 DU (50 singles), 12 V-ups, 15 air squats



18 rounds @ 75%

1 Snatch every 45 seconds



Teams of 2 for time:

Handstand walk 30 feet

50 deadlifts 165/115

40 chest to bar pull ups

30 cals on bike

20 OH squats 135/95

10 Squat cleans 205/135



Super friend quad smash