Workout And Words For 15th – Our Sweet Sabrina

It can be tough being a woman in this world, let alone being the only woman on the Double Edge staff!  But if there is a woman who can handle all the jokes and testosterone of an all male staff it is Sabrina.   She has been a true blessing to the staff of Double Edge with her positive attitude and infectious personality, Sabrina has been able to bring a female touch that i am sure most members of the gym can appreciate!

Sabrina will be the next coach up to show our appreciation to for all of the hardwork and patience when dealing with all the “boys”.   If you have a short story or just a few kind words you would like to share with Sabrina you can email [email protected] by Friday when Sabrina will be posted on our Facebook page.

Thank you again to everyone who has shared such kind and inspiring words to all of our trainers!!




Warm Up:

2 lap run

20 v-ups, 20 lunges, 20 hollow rocks, 20 goblet squats



14 Singles Sumo DL (Between 70-80% of standard DL. Increase in weight) 40 second rest




Partner WOD

3 Rounds

50 Wall Balls @20/14

40 Pull Ups

30 Cals Alt. Machine

20 Clean and Jerks @135/95

10 Front Squats @135/95

24 Minute Time Cap



Partner WOD

3 Rounds

45 Wall Ball Thrusters

35 Ringrows

30 Cals Alt. Machine

30 KB Swings

20 Goblet Squats

24 Minute Time Cap



Pre – Hip mobilization with ER bias (pg. 307)

Post – Super friend quad smash with your partner!!





Hands stand push ups




“Fixing those tired shoulders” 

-An in depth look at shoulder mechanics and what we can do to work on being pain free





Warm up:

3 mins on a machine

50 DU/singles

40 Jumping jacks

30 Mountain climbers

20 Tuck jumps

10 Burpees



Butt Blaster Circut

Ab Blaster Circut



Partner WOD of:

500m Row

50 Ball slams

400m Row

40 Ball slams

300m Row

30 Ball slams

200m Row

20 Ball slams

100m Row

10 Ball slams