Finding Your Intensity

By: Jacob Wellock

Everyday that you come into the gym, your goal should be to have a good workout. The only way to truly have a good workout is to have “intensity” in your workouts. Now this is going to be different for everyone therefore you should not compare yourself to someone that is doing Rx or advanced workouts when you are doing scaled. This can go the other way around too. There is no point to attempt to Rx a workout if you only do half reps, form is all over the place, and you cannot complete the movements the way they should be completed. This is when you “scale” a workout so you can develop those abilities and eventually work towards performing a workout Rx. This would be equivalent if you were just railing on the gas in your brand new Ferrari with no oil, let’s see how long that lasts you before you blow your engine or in this case, hurt yourself. Check the ego and perform the workout the way you know you can and should, trust me, if your coach thinks you are ready to Rx a workout, they will let you know. This does not mean that you have to do every workout Rx, as often as you are capable.

For every class you go to you are going to see all kinds of different people with different abilities. That means that you go into the workout and do the best YOU can and let the results show for it. If there is no intensity in your workout you might as well hop on an elliptical and eat a bag of potato chips. Sometimes that sounds good…all of us feel that way sometimes, but that goes back to finding your relative intensity and understanding your body and what you can do that day. That day might be a good day to recover or do some low impact Lean workouts.

I hope this gives you guys different insights on how you should attack a workout. Stay competitive, or not, but always push yourself to what you can do and I can guarantee that you will be happy with the results.


Group Class Workout


Warm Up: 4 Rounds 40/20 machine GO Hard get warm.

1 Rd: 20 Goblet Squats (Heavy), 30 Toe Touches

Finish: 1 Min Banded Hamstring Distraction, 15 PVC PT, GM


Strength: Back Squat 7×2 Heavy (80-90%) Every 1:30

Lean: No Strength








80 Walking Lunges

Max Deadlifts 135/95



60 Wall Balls 20/14

Max Front Squats 115/75



30 Bar Facing Burpees

Max Power Snatches 95/65

1 Min Rest between AMRAPS

Score is DL, FR, PS reps


Welded Lean

Partner WOD

50 Wall balls 20/14

50 T2B

50 Burpees

50 Cal Row

50 Thrusters 95/65

50 Cal Row

50 Burpees

50 T2B

50 Wall Balls 20/14

Adv: 60 reps each movement


Mobility Of the Day: Suprapatella Smash and Floss (pg. 327)

Improves: Knee Pain