Death by… (2/9/17)


Warm Up:
30/24 calorie machine
20 legs swings
20 lunges
15 dumbbell thrusters
10 groiners
20 scorpions
15 PVC pass throughs
15 PVC good mornings
1 minute banded front rack

Strength: Front Squat (every 1:30)
Welded: 7×1 @90%
Welded Lean: no strength

Death By:
cleans (115#/75#)
bar facing burpee
Adv.: 155/105
*Add 1 rep until failure
*Extra Gains: Once you fail complete 100 AbMat sit ups.

Welded Lean:
2 Rounds:
100/80 calorie bike
1 minute rest
80/65 calorie bike
1 minute rest
60/50 calorie bike
2 minute rest
*40 minute time cap


SKILLS (Midtown 4:30PM)
Glutes & Hamstrings


LADIES NIGHT (Midtown 6:30PM)

Warm Up:
2 minute machine
3 Rounds:
15 KB swings
10 air squats
5 burpees
20 PVC pass throughs
20 PVC good mornings
1 minute lat smash (each side)

Skill of the MonthChest to Bar & Toes to Bar
Kipping Sequence: 3 Rounds
2 beat swings
2 tuck ups
2 toes to bar (straight legs)
Accessory Work: 3 Rounds
1 minute weighted plank
8 hollow rocks to super mans
10 dragon flags

power snatch (55#)
pull ups
calorie bike

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