Coaching at Double Edge

By: Leo Fontana

What is the mission of each Double Edge Coach everyday?

When you leave your house or office to come to the gym, you usually have two different mindsets, one is the “oh man I can’t wait to come in and crush this wod”, or the “oh man this work out is going to suck”. No matter what version, I know some days it depends, you show up and get ready to attack the workout. Have you ever through what goes through your coach’s mind? What they think about before showing up to class to help you achieve the highest level of fitness for you, for that day?

Well, at Double Edge, all of our coaches are professionals and treat their career as such. All the full time staff and most of the part time staff don’t have another job besides being a Double Edge team member. We are all coaches and we take our job seriously.

Double Edge coaches live by three main principles to EDUCATE, ENTERTAIN and INSPIRE.

EDUCATE: We’re in charge of teaching and correcting exercise movements, we want to provide the most safe and efficient way to perform a movement so you can maximize your fitness gains.

ENTERTAIN: We want you to come in, smile and have a great time. We’re in charge of setting the mood so you can have the best hour of your day in our facilities, all while getting fitter and being a part of our community. If our members were to come in and get fit and nothing else, our jobs would not be complete, we want you to enjoy the process and look forward to coming in for an hour of your day to turn your frown upside down.  

INSPIRE: We want you to know we are here to challenge you and to do things you never thought you could do before, we tell you that yes you can, we tell you that you can push a little bit harder and go a little bit faster or lift a little bit more weight and that everything will be worth it in the end.

Our coches go through each day with care, from our daily lesson plans to how we’ll be arranging equipment during class. From scaling the work out for an injured member, to scaling up the work out for the studs. We go over programming as a team every staff meeting on Thursdays and we make sure everyone is on the same page, we talk about the highlights of the week. This is the time in our meeting that we talk about something positive that happened in class that we noticed and made our day. WE CARE.

To become a Double Edge coach is not that simple. When we need a new coach to be added to the team, that person needs to have their Welded Level 1 Certification and then they shadow 40 hours with multiple coaches before they can lead a class. We give constant feedback to one another and we want each other to perform to the highest of their ability.

For those who don’t know, my biggest passion is coaching, I love coaching and helping other coaches become the best they can be. I’m in charge of the coaches development of Double Edge and help them succeed. I take pride in this job and I want every member to experience the best time while in our classes no matter who is coaching. Every coach has their own flavor and own cues and opinions but in the end we all meet at the same mission to EDUCATE, ENTERTAIN and INSPIRE you every class of every day!

(Featured Image: Angela Fontana)