By: Joaquin Ramirez
As most of you know our Test/Retest Program was implemented to measure not only every member’s progress and fitness but also to give us an idea of how effective our programming at Double Edge actually is. So far this program has been a huge success! First I would like to say that we have not had any declines in overall average for any workout thus far! Good work everyone; keep up all the hard work!
Just to give you guys an idea, for our last tested workout “Grace” the average male improvement was 48 seconds! The females also improved their time on average by 17 seconds. In Welded this is a huge improvement!
Now going forward with the program in July we have some real special workouts that will test you both mentally and physically. We have come up with our very own “DE Total” that combines some of our signature movements with a true test of strength as well as skill. It is a Double Edge twist on the very well known benchmark the “Welded Total”.
Following that workout at the end of the month we have a real treat to really put your aerobic capacity to the test. This is also a tweaked workout from the original “Triple 3” at the 2014 Crossfit Games. It is very well known for being the workout that made Rich Froning stop and walk and what better way to end July than to give you guys a taste of that same feeling?
I am very excited for July’s workouts and remember bring your heart and always log your scores! See you on the leaderboard!