3 Survey Suggestions Answered

By: Derek Wellock

I am very happy with our survey results and feedback.   Overall Double Edge has provided a 99% satisfaction rate for the 2018 Year.

With survey results like that, I am very happy and proud of our Double Edge staff and the awesome product they provide every day.  Regardless of the survey results, we are not complacent in our job and are always eager to continue to better our product for all of our members every single day.   Out of the survey a couple of good questions came up which I will address.

  1. Stop the cheating
  2. Holes in the floor
  3. Class size and class cap

Stop the Cheating
I want to clarify what cheating means in this context so that there is no misunderstanding with our members.  Cheating is not reducing reps or reducing weight or substituting movements, for the majority of our members this is called scaling.  Scaling because they are still working on their exercise capacity or haven’t yet mastered a movement. We as coaches encourage scaling so that our members will gain confidence and mastery of the movements by challenging themselves a little bit at a time.

Cheating is when a member reduces reps or reduces weight or substitutes movements so that they can get the fastest time in the gym and score it on the board or Train Heroic.  This type of exercise ethic does nothing to challenge the individual and is purely ego driven. As coaches we are discussing ways to work with these individuals to help them challenge themselves by not winning the WOD.  You as members can help if you know of a cheater. Partner with them during workouts, share your personal WOD experiences, and be positive. We are all here to get healthier and be a part of the community, cheaters don’t yet understand that integrity is more important than winning.   

Holes in the floor
We are fully aware that the concrete at both gyms is not holding up as we thought it would.  The cost to shut down the gym for 2-3 weeks, remove the entire floor and replace all the concrete is simply not a viable option.  We have tested several repair options at Midtown and our latest patches have shown the most promise Going forward we will continue to spot repair sections of the floor as they get worse.  

At the South gym, we are looking for ways to remove the rubber floor without ruining it to make the same repairs.  When we installed the South floor, we used a rubber twice as thick and glued it down so we wouldn’t experience the bubbling problems we have at Midtown.  We were told the concrete would hold up to the weight. Apparently, our members are stronger than anticipated. The process to repair the floor at South will be quite involved and will not happen immediately.  We appreciate your patience as we take steps to remedy the situation.

Class sizes and Cap
We have heard a lot about classes getting too big.  Balancing member base, class size, and required revenue to keep the gyms open is a very delicate balancing act.  The service and facilities we offer are currently very inexpensive by comparison. Although I know some feel we are very expensive, there are many places locally who are charging the same or more than us with 50% fewer amenities and full-time coaches.  We need full classes to cover overhead but we also do not want to degrade our product by over saturating our classes either.

We are currently working on a class cap solution which will include mandatory class sign-ups for all classes and also a fee charged for late cancels.  Over the next 2 months, we will be providing more information about the class cap solution with the goal of implementation on January 8th, 2019. We have set a membership cap of 50 additional members between both gyms.  Additionally, we will be eliminating the discounts we have offered in the past to New Year’s Resolutioners who appear in January and February. Unfortunately, our experience has been that many of these Resolutioners flood our classes for the quick one-month deal and then leave.  This year (2019) the number of people we open up to during that time will be exclusively based on where we are with our total membership number and class sizes.

All in all 2018 has been a great success with so many health and fitness goals achieved.  We will not stop chasing our Vision, “Make Reno the Healthiest City in the Country”. To do this it takes all of us to chase down our updated Mission of “Inspiring You to Take Health and Wellness Home”.   Every single day we have the opportunity to make people healthier, but so do all of you, so I ask that you all understand and believe in our Vision. To accomplish it, we must train and educate as much of the Reno/Sparks population as possible.

Let us crush our health and fitness goals in 2019!