This week’s Featured Athlete was chosen by Coach Kris, keep up the awesome work Laurie!
“This week I get to choose Double Edge’s Member Monday and I pick Laurie MacAfee because she’s pretty awesome!
Laurie is a regular at my 6:30AM class, she has been doing Welded for a few years now and had moved here from Hawaii a little over a year ago. After a couple of months with us she told me that she’s never really pushed herself hard and has sandbagged her workouts, this from the woman wearing the “World’s Okayest Weldedter” shirt. 😜 But she said she wanted to stop that and strive to become better, since then, she has. She puts in the extra time to step up her game, she works hard in class and is a coachable and humble athlete. She even took first at this year’s Battle Grounds competition in the Masters division. Laurie is super outgoing and fun to have in class, she has many amazing qualities and is a great representative of the Double Edge Community. Keep working hard Laurie, I couldn’t be more proud of you! ❤️”
– Coach Kris